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New member
Hey I am new to factions, I could use some help getting started and maby joining a team if anyone is willing to let me join their faction. I would also need a guide on how to play and what is the best money making way. Any tips and trick you can tell me would all help thanks.

P.S If someone makes a guide for complex gaming factions, I'll want to make sure you know that it would not be for just me but it should be for anyone.



Hey! You want to know how to make decent money? Pumpkins. Many, many, many pumpkins. Make a whole chunk dedicated to pumpkins if you have to, you'll be rich in no time.

Good Commands to know
/rtp Use this command to be teleported to the wilderness on the map.
/f create {Name} Use this command to create your very own faction with a custom name! (Make sure it is appropriate or you will be forced to rename it.
/f claim {1-5} Use this command to claim land for your faction!
/f unclaim {1-5} Use this command to unclaim land for your faction.
(If you claim more land than your faction power lets you, you can be over-claimed and griefed.)
/f who (or) /f who {faction name} Use these commands to see faction members, faction claims and power, faction activity, and more!
/f invite {Player name} Use this command to invite players to your faction.
/f kick {Player name} Use this command to remove players from your faction.
/f join {Faction name} Use this command to join other factions, if you have not been invited it will notify the faction that you tried to join.
/f sethome Use this command to set your factions home, all members can use this to teleport to wherever you set your faction home.
/f home Use this command to teleport to your faction home
/f setwarp {Name} Use this command to set a faction warp that your faction members can teleport to, similar to /f home but it has a 7 second tp delay.
/f warp {Name} Use this command to teleport to a specific warp in your faction.
/f promote {Player name} Use this command to promote your faction members.
/f demote {Player name} Use this command to demote your faction members.
- Recruit
+ Member
* Moderator
** Coleader
*** Leader
/f perms Use this command to change your faction's permissions.

If you are not happy with the faction you are in do /f leave, and you will leave your faction.

Factions is a very pvp oriented gamemode. Be careful who you trust!


To request to be an ally to a faction, do /f ally {Faction name} You also use this command to accept ally requests
You can have a maximum of 3 allies, your allies are very important because they pretty much increase your faction size. You can share, plot, coordinate, and dominate if you have the right allies.


/f enemy {faction name} This command is used to make a faction your sworn enemy. Compete and fight with them, raid them, get rid of them. If you no longer want to be an enemy, do /f neutral {faction name} the same goes for allies.

The current /f top is based off of spawner value. If you want to grind and become part of /f top you need a lot of xp.

Spawner tiers
To view the spawners you can buy, do /shop 7.

The only spawners you can buy at the start are chicken and endermite spawners, you need to kill a specific amount to get to the next spawners. Hover over the spawner you are trying to buy and it will tell you the criteria of what you need to do to get to that spawner. You can also get spawners from crates, a poseidon crate has a chance to drop either iron golem spawners or phantom spawners.

Please refer to the complex rules and the complex faction rules if you have any questions on what is allowed or not.
If you are still unsure, please contact a staff member. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse.

DO NOT tp to someone you don't trust. There are many players who will try and tp you to them, some of them offering free things or to show you "something cool". Most of them will try and trap you, and take your items. This is not against the rules and you should watch out for it.
Always do /tpaccept {name of the player you're trying to tp to} just in case.

If you have any more factions-related questions that I didn't address, message me on the forums, the game (AlexMCx), or on discord (TheOneNamedAlex#5330)
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